Sunday, 26 September 2010

Another Mini Day.

This is the wine crate I am turning into a "Hall and Landing" 
Room box.

This is it with it's floor/ceiling added.
I seemed to have spent the whole day painting. First I gave the outside of the box 2 coats of toffeecream emulsion and then I gave the inside a coat of diluted PVA glue in readiness for papering.
Then I started painting the bannisters, I swear I could've finished the RL ones faster but they're done now , phew!
Tonight I've been making the front door and internal doors and frames. Even more painting. 
I'm going to have a look in my stash tomorrow for something suitable for carpet on the stairs and landing, I don't really want to go out and buy something as I was hoping to make everything with stuff I already have, see I said I was Scrooge. The hallway floor I am hoping to cover with Minton tiles printed on the PC.
Once I've got the wallpaper and carpet in it should be nearly finished as it only needs a few accessories.
I also updated my Webshots page today.
Another productive day.
Fern hasn't been too well today as all the drugs is taking have upset her stomach and she hasn't wanted to eat which isn't good when we are trying to build her up. Hopefully tomorrow will be different and she's back at the vets to see how her blood count is, fingers and toes crossed.
See you tomorrow....


  1. The hall and landing idea is an original one, and what a great idea to use a winebox.

    Hope poor Fern is feeling much better soon.

  2. Thanks Norma, Fern is a real worry at the moment, mini-ing takes my mind off it and I really do get lost in "my own little world" and lose track of time.
