Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Vicki's Birthday Swap.

Just a quick update today. Finally swaps are starting to be delivered and opened so I can post what I have been making. This was for Vicki's Birthday.

See you later....

Monday, 25 June 2012

Sock Monkey.

First things first, welcome to my latest follower, Anna.

Finally I can write a Blog Post and publish it! that's because I have finally done something for me and not the swap group. You may remember that at weekends at the van I do Punch needle as it's something I can throw in my craft bag without too much hassle, (I've got 4 projects on the go with that, BUT, they're for the swap group) but it gets a bit boring doing the same thing every weekend so I've been looking for something else to do but of course it has to be something with not too much equipment. I've looked into needle felting as I like the thought of making some teddies ( I've got the idea of a teddy bear shop room box floating about, but that's for a later date) and I came across a site on Etsy that sold kits to make sock monkeys OOAKTinyCuddles. She also has a website. www.ooaktinycuddles.com. where you can see some of her amazing work.I contacted Lisa and she couldn't have been more helpful, she posted it the same day and I received it the following morning. It contains 2 felting needles. enough wool to make at least 2 sock monkeys, foam pad and various other bits and pieces and instructions. She doesn't have any kits listed at the moment, I bought the last one, but I'm sure if you contacted her she would make one up for you if you fancied making one. The instructions are really easy to follow and she walks you right through everything in detail and with pictures.

So Friday night I made a start, it's ironic that the two things I decide to do at the van involve sharp needles and it wasn't long before I stabbed myself, Ouch! Once I got the hang of it the monkeys head came together quite well.

I made his body and arms and legs Saturday night.

And I finished him off last night.

I'm rather pleased with him and when I have finished the 4 needle punch items I will attempt to make a teddy.

See you later....

Friday, 22 June 2012

It Pays To Be Nosey!

If you have a Dollshouse like me, you'll know that dust is a persistent  problem. The trellis and bench which I kit-bashed a few weeks ago looked lovely sat in the garden of my dh but slowly and surely it has gathered dust. I have a large blusher brush that I bought just for dusting but it can't get into all the nooks and crannies and if you are too vigorous with it you run the risk of damaging something, likewise using the vax runs the risk of something shooting up the tube to be lost forever in the vortex of dog hair and dust. Oh I know the trick of an old pair of tights over the end of the tube but it wasn't to my satisfaction as I couldn't get up close and personal enough. I even tried one of those desktop ones that are supposed to clear your keyboard of crumbs when you've been eating at your desk, but quite frankly it didn't have enough "suck power". Was I destined to have a permanently dusty dh? 

And then I went into an office a couple of weeks ago, in the block that I clean, and it was being used to repair PC's. There were computer parts everywhere and an aerosol can, (empty)  closer inspection, I'm nosey, revealed it to be a tin of compressed air that, the blurb told me, was for cleaning watches and delicate machinery. I didn't know such a thing existed, but I had the evidence in my hands, was this the answer to my prayers?

When I got home I asked Steve if he had heard of it, after all he repairs car parts and electricals, but he looked at me as if he was waiting for the punchline. A quick search on E-bay and I found what I was looking for. Get it ordered! It came at the beginning of the week and joy of joys!! It worked a treat. My roses look as good as the day I first painted them and the whole thing looks new and shiny, I AM NOT destined to have a dusty dh. So if you have a dust problem go and buy some, and if I'm not imparting any thing new and you already knew about this, SHAME on you for not passing it around!

I bought mine here  Compressed Air Duster.

See you later.....

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Lavender, Lilac and Lace.

Remember the Lavender teddies I received  for the May swap? Well now I can show you what I made.  

I made a hat box and hat.

You can't really see from the photos but the hat box is made from leather, this was the first time I had dipped my toe into millinery and I found rather fiddly although I suppose with all aspects of "small stuff" practice make perfect and easier.

We've also just had a Father's day swap. I made a leather holdall, wallet with money in, writing set and  bow tie in a box.

In return I received 2 hand knitted tank tops, a bottle of wine and a picture.

I can real life knit but I have never tried it small and I am in awe of people who do. I don't think my eyes would be up to it.

Well, back to the grind, house work is calling.

See you later....