Thursday, 24 November 2011

Santa's Progress.

So Kryten, sorry Santa, has had his head built up with some extra Fimo so it's not so square, although I think I would have got away with it with his hair and hat. Don't look too close at the photo as it's not perfect but I think it's passable although I can't help thinking of Henry VIII every time I look at him.

His body has been padded out with wadding, I hope I've made him fat enough, time will tell.

And his clothes are at various stages of making. Hopefully I will get him finished next week. Thursday is RL cleaning day and Friday is sorting food for our weekend in the Lakes.

See you later....

Talking of the Lakes, spot the deer


Thursday, 10 November 2011

Kryten, aka Santa Claus!!

Or should that be Santa Claus aka Kryten? Two full nights of mini-ing and Santa is coming on very slowly, I told you dolls weren't my thing. I've got the basic body made with his leather boots and gloved hands but his head went weird on me in the oven and his forehead has slid to the back and given him a square head, LOL, hence the reference to Kryten the robot in Red Dwarf. With no features painted on he looks a bit spooky, like i-robot, hopefully I can build him up a bit with some more fimo because after all his head will be covered with his hat. If not I'll start again, DOH.

Oh, and as a footnote, it's official, I HATE superglue! I stuck my fingers together and to everything else so many times last night it was comical.

See you later....

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Sleigh Update #5, Finished.

Despite having my hands full with the new pup I finally finished Santa's sleigh.

Next step is Santa but dolls aren't my thing so don't hold your breath!

See you later....

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Sleigh Update # 4

Santa's Elves (that would be Chelle!) have been busily beavering away making toys and presents for Santa's sack.

These are just a few of them
It's been slow going with a young pup to watch, don't forget Bracken is only 11 months so in reality I have 2 puppies so I need eyes in the back of my head. On reading Moss' records it turns out she is 20 weeks old not 12 so she is not as timid as a younger pup would be, she's very feisty! She's settling in well. Yesterday morning the older 2 were asleep on their basket with Moss curled up on the rug at the side, when I looked again she had plonked herself on the basket curled up in Bracken's tummy, Arrgh!! :-)

Further proof that she is fitting came last night while we were watching TV,

Moss is the one in the middle, 3 fur babies dead to the world dreaming doggy dreams.

See you later....